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The Ear Economy

There is something unique about audio-only content. Unlike Video content which captures our eyes and ears, audio targets only one of our senses: Hearing. Think about it- If you’re watching a movie on Netflix with terrible content but with a decent soundtrack and a background score, chances are, you’ll keep watching the film. If you’re out jogging and a terrible song comes on, you will quickly forward to the next one...

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Advertising in the IPL

“IPL is like cricket on drugs. And these drugs keep getting better. Entertainment is a drug fueled by advertisers, and IPL is the one drug loved the same by men, women, and children of all ages. Don’t get me wrong, drugs are not all bad. Some might save your life if you have COVID-19. Some might change the way you look at life. But what’s common is that all of them alter your lifestyle. And that’s exactly what advertisers spend money to do.”

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