Annual Day 2024: Walk and Chew Gum
7th January 2025
In this presentation, we walk you through the wins from 2024, how we're refining the building blocks for our own business and the roadmap for the next 12 months.
The last 12 months for the team at Lightbox have been all about working with the portfolio to optimise their businesses and grow at the same time. Several of our businesses have found that rhythm and more are on their way to getting there.
In this presentation, we walk you through the wins during the year, how we're refining the building blocks for our own business and the roadmap for the new 12 months.
"Last year, we wanted to focus on profitability and liquidity... three of the companies (in the portfolio) have achieved profitability. Three more are imminent over the next six months. Profitability is really important because it gives us options. And options are going to drive ultimate liquidity."
"India is a market that's really defined by inefficiency at scale. It's a market with defined variables and you're really not trying to find new technology to change anything. You're really just organizing the unorganized... it's really more about timing and execution than it is about new technology or new mousetraps. It's really just about organizing the unorganized. And in that context, the Peter Thiel approach of really concentrating has potential here."
"India's consumer market is highly fragmented, and from that fragmentation comes the opportunity to really take unbranded products to branded products in all sorts of categories. Whether that's in apparel, staples or in retail for basic commodities like fruits and vegetables. Companies that have done that well have seen tremendous growth and venture-like J-curves. We're seeing this as well in Rebel Foods. You're going to start to see this in many of our companies..."
"Over the past year, we had to really focus on breaking bad habits (within the portfolio). What that meant was focus less on raising capital and more on the very boring basic tasks of building a business."
"Our theme (today) is walk and chew gum. The idea is really this: companies have to focus on optimizing their businesses and grow at the same time. What comes from that is predictability... predictability gives us the comfort that we can then talk to you about how value will get created across the portfolio."